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How about a Nikon p1000 on an EQ mount?

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Just thinking how this setup would compare to normal astrophotography setups. Imagine a Nikon coolpix p1000 on an equatorial mount. Has anyone done that yet? 

As I saw in the YouTube videos about the camera, it has absolutely no chromatic aberration, so I assume it's got apochromatic lens. It's magnification is extremely good (125x with 16MP sensor). The aperture is quite small tho compared to many different refractors available. 


So what do you think about the idea:  astrophotography with a Nikon?  

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Well Nikons are used for astrophotography, but you mean specifically the P1000?

The main problem with bridge type cameras is that whilst the zoom range is fabulous, and perfectly good most uses, it's bound to be compromised for astro uses. It's likely star shapes will be a bit off and even though  there may be no significant CA for for general use I bet it would show on stars.  I used to use a very good Sigma zoom on my Canon 550D and the results weren't great TBH.  

For DSOs you'll need long exposures which ideally would mean guiding too depending on the focal length you use.

For planetary higher mag stuff you would ideally record uncompressed video which is not an option on most cameras. 

But if you have an HEQ5 and a Coolpix camera why not give it a go? You would probably get passable results, depending on your expectations.  You will also need to watch battery life (turn off IS probably) and focus manually - but all doable I'm sure.

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2 hours ago, Planetarian said:

Thanks for the info. It seems like the P1000 can't beat serious telescope setups, so still worth going with a proper rig instead of the camera. 

I cant say I know that particular camera - it looks great, but just not the right tool for the job!

BTW Currently I use a Lumix FZ1000 for non-astro stuff and I really like it. But I tried doing some astro stuff with it just out of interest and was very disappointed. You'd probably get some good lunar shots with the P1000, but you  wouldn't need a mount, just a tripod.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New to Astrophotography but not to astronomy (visual with underrated mount) and just upgraded mount to be able to support larger telescopes, and also get into imaging. Just completed my first AP night last night with EQ mount and D7200 with 500mm f/8 - have a look at my setup in my latest post here, showing it can certainly be done with just the gear you have already. Guiding is a game changer if you can do it, then think about telescope attachment somehow. Telescopes are obviously better, as are dedicated AP cameras, but everyone who's honest would advise build up in stages - EQ mount, use what camera you have, then add telescope (like buying better camera glass in case of DSLRs) and then dedicated camera, after buying a smaller house, allowing you to have some spare cash!

So yes, you can do plenty of AP with EQ mount and bridge camera, just what more do you need to start into this wonderful hobby?!

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