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Tadpoles, California, Pacman and Plieades

Stub Mandrel

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Back from a break 🙂

A productive evening was  the 22 November. I have a strange field of view at home, so along session means I get data on several targets, and at this time of year I often can't revisit for more data. This means these images need to be seen as 'works in progress' that will need more subs adding in the future. Also, I've used Jpegs because my broadband is playing up some of the subtleties are lost (he claimed!) 😞

All Baader narrowband filters, except the Plieades, ZWO RGB. 130P-DS, ASI1600MM-pro and HEQ5

The Tadpoles NGC1983 in Hubble Palette:


The California Nebula HSO, with the S from an evening a few weeks later. No Oiii under my skies. The FOV is a bit limiting with this setup:


Which do you prefer? Pacman in Hubble (SHO) and HSO, in contrast these are crops from a larger frame:



Finally, the Pleiades in RGB, knocked off at the end of along evening so just 75-second subs and not very deep:


All in all, a worthwhile evening, even if my Witch Head was a complete fail and these do need more data next year 🤞



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