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Debayer settings - Pixinsight + AA 269c

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Morning all.

I've just upgraded to an Altair Astro 269c OSC, and at the same time, I've downloaded a trial version of Pixinsight.

I've watched numerous processing videos, all of which seem to start off with a nice clean integrated RGB image. However, I "think" I've followed the various steps correctly, yet when I open my integrated image, it's bright green. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong re the debayering settings, but as a last ditch effort yesterday, I tried integrating a few subs in each of the debayering option, including "auto". None seemed to work, giving me a variety of coloured images, mostly green, some purple, but none "correct".

So, obvious question first... where am I going wrong?

Also, I understand that FITS files have debayer info included, whereas XISF files don't - would I be better off using FITS rather than XISF?



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3 hours ago, stevepsheehan said:

So, obvious question first... where am I going wrong?

Hi Steve - you might not be doing anything wrong.  An OSC, auto STF image in PI will usually be very green biased.  To check if this is the case and all is well pending Automatic/Dynamic background extraction (ABE/DBE), background neutralisation (BN) and colour calibration (CC), open Processes menu and select All Processes and then ScreenTransferFunction (STF)

Once this is up, click the little "link" icon in the top left of the STF window, then run the STF again.  You should see an "unlinked" STF on the stacked data.

As mentioned above, ABE/DBE, BN and CC should start to get the image balanced and not require the unlinked STF.

Hope this helps - at least work out if it's a debayer pattern issue or not.

Edited by geeklee
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