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Modification to connect synscan snap to Bluetooth remote (to control mobile phone)


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Hi chaps. Total beginner. Got scope 4 days ago.


I've managed to get great quality mounting my phone (p30 Pro) to the eyepiece and intend to mostly use that to observe as well as photos.

So I wanted to allow the little £3 Bluetooth remote I have be able to be 'pressed' by my synscan gti mount. All I did was solder two wires to the remote button, and connect those to the snap interface.


It works a treat. I'm sure this is nothing new, but just in case. Can post pics if useful. I've found connecting phone to eyepiece great. I get a big clear picture and small focus slip is taken care of by the phone auto focus. The p30 Pro has a 40mp sensor and can shoot raw.

It does also have an 8mp 5x telephoto but it needs a fair amount of light. I've not tried using that lens yet. The main lens canera though is giving me crystal clear full screen views through my 25mm, 10nmm and both through a 2x Barlow (though as my scope is a skymax 102 the Barlow with the 10mm puts me way above what the scope can resolve is is blurry from that. I've ordered a 6.5mm eyepiece which will put me right at the max theoretical more or less and expect that to work well.



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Here's some pics. Showing phone mounted. focused on something inside as cloudy. cable connected for snap.

bluetooth remote can still be pressed to manually take a pic so phone/mount not disturbed.

I tested using SynScan Photo - just set it to take a pic every second, then once started, start phone camera (synscan still running in background activating snap).

phone camera starts to take pics ever second. obviously up to you how camera configured, you could set it up with manual exposure (full manual is supported on p30 pro), and set an appropriate long exposure/iso, etc. then say take photos as it tracks planet, etc.

The other reason I like it is since it's optical path to camera - you don't need to be precise with focus - camera can pull it into focus. Now, I admit with real moon/planets that might not work so well, and if that's the case, I can set focus on camera manually as appropriate.

Also provided one jpg from camera (but it does support saving in 40mp raw too)


Oh, I should also say that is with a 25mm on a 1300mm focal length skymax 102.

I also tried my 6.5mm. through the actual viewfinder this is very dim, difficult to see through and focus.

With phone connected, the phone auto exposes the live view making it nice and bright, easy to focus in on, then phone does final focus.

that gives me a clear 200x of the highland coo's nosrel. so I know I'm a beginner and no nowt, but it does seem a pretty good way of observing imho, with the added bonus of being able to take pics and videos whenever u want.











Edited by powerlord
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