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VX10 Orion Optics UK Not Focusing

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First time post;

Taken delivery of a new VX10 Dobson Mount  with Plossl 25mm eyepiece on Christmas Eve and over the last days have tried to checked collimation,
living on Guernsey it was a road journey and a sea  journey for delivery so anything could happen!

What ever I do I am unable to bring anything into focus in the eye piece, near or far.

What am I missing, does collimation mean nothing will be in fous or is another attachment required for the eyepiece.


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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Unless the collimation is massively out, you should at least be able to get the scope to focus. You can fine tune the collimation once you have cracked that.

Orion Optics scopes usually need an extension tube of around 50mm to get eyepieces to focus - do you have one of those fitted ?


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Hi Nigel,

Has yours got the focuser with the inbuilt tube extender?

I have a VX12L and it must either be fitted with my Clicklock 2” 47mm extender or the focuser inbuilt tube must be withdrawn to achieve focus.

Hope helps.



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Thank you both for the quick reply. Yes my VX10 has  focuser inbuilt tube, being about 50mm in length.

I read this as the inbuilt tube must be fully extended, eyepiece fitted to that, then use the focuser to focus.

Having spent 55 years in photography and many lenses later , things are different in this astronomy world!!

Will try when the rain stops, but many thanks to you all.



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