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Telescope for my 13 year old son.

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Hi there. I want to buy a telescope for my son who is 13 years old and interested in astronomy. He has two small refractors which don't do much work and he wants to have his first "serious" telescope. He needs it only for visual use. Also to perform well on deep sky objects and and also for planets but he mostly wants to observe DSOs. Can someone help me find an ideal telescope for him. Any help appreciated thanks.

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If it’s purely visual, I think that dobsonian’s offer the most bang for buck. I guess it comes down to budget, portability and whether or not GOTO was required. But there are many models that will accommodate any of the variables listed.  Someone more knowledgeable will be along soon ;)


Edit: For what it’s worth, I had one of these and it was a cracker. I was a fool to sell it:  https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-250px-dobsonian.html

Edited by Ande
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Dobsonians are a good way to start the hobby. The bigger aperture will give a much better experience on DSO.

The 250px while being an excellent scope may be a bit large for a 13yo starter scope, not easy to move out into the garden without help.


The much more affordable 150p is still a good performer Sky-Watcher Classic 150P Dobsonian | First Light Optics and the money saved to go on a couple of better performance eyepieces, these eyepieces will stay with him as he upgrades his telescope over time  (ohhh .... it will happen if he gets bitten by the bug).

All the skywatcher models have basic starter eyepieces , fine to begin with but an upgrade will get the best out of the telescope.

This is much more portable while still a big telescope.


There is a middle ground Sky-Watcher Classic 200P Dobsonian | First Light Optics , which is probably a more popular size, fine for adults but getting a bit big for a 13yo to move out unaided. I used to have a 200p , was my first serious telescope.


Trouble is all 3 models are virtually unobtainable due to Covid supply chain problems that are unlikely to resolve for some time.

All is not lost however as there is a good 2nd hand market on these , just buy from a reputable source like the buy/sell section on this forum.




Edited by fifeskies
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This size comparison illustration below may be useful


there is also another option to consider which is very portable , its a 150 that folds down for easy moving around , any telescope that your son can easily take out by himself is likely to see a lot more use than a bigger one he needs help with.

Nice and compact for easy storage when not in use.


Sky-Watcher Heritage-150P Flextube Dobsonian Telescope | First Light Optics

Video review here     Sky-watcher Heritage 150p Flex Tube Dobsonian Telescope - New for 2020 - YouTube


It will need a low table to raise it up a bit but this can be any Patio table that can be left outside.

When folded down it can easily fit in a car to take it out to any dark sky site nearby (or take on holiday).




Skywatcher Heritage 150P Flextube: Erfahrungsbericht | Astronomie.de - Der  Treffpunkt für Astronomie


Sky-Watcher Heritage 150P Flextube Dobsonian review




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