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Call Of The Stars > The Double Miram (Perseus)


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After cloud and rain recently, a clear sky full of stars was irresistible at 1.00am (Xmas Eve), so the big 127L frac came out of the shed into service.

Orion stood at about 30deg in the SW.  I went straight for M42 and The Trapezium.  Having no specific plan, I just darted round at x40/2.05deg - the bright orange Betelgeuse, the glare of Sirius (becoming a blur of CA and diffraction rings at x120), the Double Cluster at around 40deg, NW - at a suitable altitude to be comfortably enjoyed from a fixed stool.  

Moving on at random, I spotted a lovely orange star with a close white neighbour, and was curious to identify it.  Luckily, the well-aligned RDF was on Miram (15 or Eta Per), and Stellarium confirmed that was it - a mismatched triple (visual binary) with a 31" separation.  Finer stellar detail did not tally totally with Stellarium, but Sky Safari was spot on with my observation.  Going up to x120 increased the contrast to reveal three fainter stars in the vicinity using AV.  A pleasing find, much recommended.

Great to enjoy almost two hours under a clear sky, worth getting up for.  




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Miram (or Miriam as I can't help but call it) is a lovely star. It looks good directly and also there are those little averted vision stars to see. It keeps me occupied at the eyepiece. Glad to hear you've been able to get outside. You are an expert at making use of those little clear windows. I haven't managed to get out for weeks. Anyway, Doug, have a great Christmas and all the best for 2021.


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Thanks Dom, and Xmas/NY greetings to you too!  It's good to stumble across something interesting, then identify it - makes a change from using a target list.  

(Looking at my pics makes me think I need something to produce cleaner small black dots!)


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1 hour ago, wookie1965 said:

Brilliant Doug I was going to go out but I had been sneezing all day woke this morning with a heavy cold great Christmas present 🥶

Sorry to hear that Paul.  Hope you recover rapidly.  I seem to have escaped my usual colds this year, what with all this "distancing"!

Amongst other things, I received the following very useful and welcome items (not to be used at the same time!)..........



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Didn't know you were an Old Boy of Hogwarts, Paul @wookie1965 !  Our grandsons are very fond of Harry Potter at present, and of spacecraft made from Lego!

Giles Sparrow - by coincidence I have been planning some sessions, and recently been using his great book Constellations, A Field Guide.


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12 hours ago, cloudsweeper said:

Didn't know you were an Old Boy of Hogwarts, Paul @wookie1965 !  Our grandsons are very fond of Harry Potter at present, and of spacecraft made from Lego!

Giles Sparrow - by coincidence I have been planning some sessions, and recently been using his great book Constellations, A Field Guide.


Ohh yes I love Harry Potter read the books three times when my son was in school he brought a book home said I should read it well I thought give it a try read it in a few hours could not put it down. 

I have a wand a few cups dobby some light up thing just cannot remember and I'm on the couch with lemslip so I'm not getting up and looking a scarf. 

I will have to look that book up always nice add to the library 


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