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Hi, I'm back.


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Popped in to the place I've missed for a long time.
Basically, I've been not too well these last weeks, but hopefully I'm getting better Day by Day.
I am suffering from a very painful kee problem, and still waiting for an operation to sort it.
Unfortunately, Covid has helped to put everything back  as far as hospital  waiting lists are concerned. 
More people than me  are victimas of that problem too though.
I also have had Internet problems, but thankfully Sky have rectified that, although it took a while.
I was happy to get a phone call from MikeP. who I regard as a very good friend, and his call boosted me a great deal, as I was
feeling a bit depressed. Thanks a lot Mike. Miss my Golf too, but the weather is also responisible for that too.

I Hope someone managed to get shots of the Saturn / Jupiter conjunction tonight, the weather 
here is vile at this time, so it put paid to any any attemp I was planning.

Anyway I wish everyone and their families  a Happy Xmas,  Covid has decinated that too, though, so  we have to do what we can
to make the best of  things I guess.
Best Wishes everyone.



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Much obliged for your posts guys.  I'm thankful that Covid has had no direct influence on my health issues, the wife and I have been careful to observe the behaviour necessary to lesson the risks of contact with this awful virus. Let's hope  we see the end of the nightmare soon.




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1 hour ago, barkis said:

Much obliged for your posts guys.  I'm thankful that Covid has had no direct influence on my health issues, the wife and I have been careful to observe the behaviour necessary to lesson the risks of contact with this awful virus. Let's hope  we see the end of the nightmare soon.




Welcome back ron!

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Hello Ron, 

Very best wishes to you and your family, and good to see you back on the forum👍. It's good to talk about how we are feeling, whether out aloud or on forums like this at this traumatic time for our country/Continent/world🤗..


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I'm overwhemed by your warm reception, but  that is the nature of this forum's members.
Thanks a lot, and I hope to get back into the swing of things in time.
I've been negleting my Observatory too for almost as long as my absence from here. 
However, the mount still responds well, so no problems their.
Again, I hope everyone can enjoy their Xmas with their families, in spite of the applied restrictions.
Please all, practice the safe procedures to stay away from that little nasty that is plagueing the world.
Best Wishes.


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Hi Ron, like you I am waiting on a knee op, so can understand were you are at this time,hope you can see light at the end of that tunnel and remember too, that we are all.here for each other, so you need a chat just ask, stay safe bud, all the best , Lum Essex


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I'm seeing an Orthopaedic Surgeon at Carlisle Hospital at 10:05 tomorrow morning.
I sincerely hope  he gives me a date for an Operation, be it in Carlisle, Hexham., or Whitehaven.
Fingers crossed, it's been over a year now. If I don't get back on the Golf Course soon, I'll crack up 🥺.

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Well, the Surgeon saw me this morning, and after a short chat, he agreed an Operation to replace my left knee 
is required, in view of the deterioration it has suffered. 
It is now only a question of when, and that may still take a while due to the overwhelming work Covid has levelled at the NHS.
I just need to be patient, but I don't mind the wait, it will happen when it happens. I'm just pleased it is a given now.
Thanks again for all the support from you very nice people. 👍



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Great need Ron, and thanks Dave, seems my knees are known in my trade as "Gasmans knee" 40 years of crawling around working on gas boilers, wish I had listened to the "old fitters" who were always banging on about kneepads, but the knowledge and experience of youth knew better!!  😉  happy New year to you both, 


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7 hours ago, tonylumley said:

Great need Ron, and thanks Dave, seems my knees are known in my trade as "Gasmans knee" 40 years of crawling around working on gas boilers, wish I had listened to the "old fitters" who were always banging on about kneepads, but the knowledge and experience of youth knew better!!  😉  happy New year to you both, 


Thanks Dave and Tony. Hope 2021 is kinder to us all than 2020 has been.
I spent many years on Garage Workshop floors on my knees too Dave, ignoring the warnings that time will
show the folly of that practice. Of course we never listened to the wise, because we thought we knew better.

Good luck to everyone in the coming year. We deserve a break from the torment and disruption  Covid19 has caused,

And my Condolences to all those who have lost family, friends, and  relatives to the  pandemic.



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8 hours ago, Mr Spock said:

Good luck with the op Ron. Remember to keep your fitness levels up while you wait. I didn't do that with my knee op (torn cartilage) and found it took ages to get back walking again.

Cheers buddy, I got myself a new Bicycle for that very purpose. I also have a step machine, stretch bands, and  various kettle weights.
Don't want to overdo it though, as I might make things worse. 😀

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Funny thing Ron while waiting for my op' they said I would be called in some weeks before for physio' to make sure the muscles were in good order ( this was a few years ago so they've done away with that and now it's DIY ) so I got a call one Friday saying they'd had a cancellation and could I come in on Monday so that was that, no physio'

Had an electric contraption strapped to my leg straight after the op' that kept bending it up and down, next day was on crutches practicing to walk up and down stairs  and  then discharged, had physio for a couple of months then left to my own devices.

Being self employed I had to keep working so had a leg brace to keep it straight that I took off to drive to work then fitted while working, involved lot's of crawling round the floor and getting up and down which was quite awkward.

Supposed to do lots of exercises but didn't bother so never got past bending my knee more than about 90 degrees, couldn't ride a bike but it was fine for working 😂

I did have a discussion with the guy in charge of knees who said they didn't normally like to do it until I was retired as it might only last a few years but pointed out to him that I was way off retiring age and really needed it done then as by the time I retired it wouldn't matter, anyway it's lasted a good 20 years without a twinge.



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