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A Meander around


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First clear night that I have been able to get out last one I ended up in hospital but everything is fine I hope. As the title says I just picked some targets in no particular order.

NGC 2301  "Hagrids Dragon" looked great in the 25mm wings spread and tail reaching back.

NGC 2264  "Christmas Tree" Why not its that time of year and in the 15mm stars where popping out everywhere 15 mon shines bright at the bottom.

NGC 1758   loose cluster

NGC 1807   Loose cluster

NGC 1746   Loose cluster

NGC 1647   Loose cluster

NGC 1817  Best of the bunch really nice cluster.

M44  "Beehive"  lovely cluster with 25mm 

NGC  2169    "37"  Easily discern the 37 

 Σ7 + Σ401   (SAO 0759 70)  two double stars in the FOV top two where white bottom two which where closer where yellow a fine sight.

ζ Zeta Mon   (SAO1355 51) nice triple here burnt orange yellow and blue

δ Delta Orionis  (SAO1322 20) Mintaka Straw yellow with a companion looked grey but the more you looked you could see a tiny hint of blue/white

ρ Rho Orionis  (SAO1125 28)  with the 15mm in easily split this yellow and blue pair.

I tried Rigel but could not split it the same with Tegmine 

6 Orionis (SAO1324 06) another triple bright yellow with two tiny companions.

M42  Stunning easily got the 4 stars in the Trapezium with a UHC filter in brought the nebula right out.

Last Mars saw this many weeks ago and could see dark marks on the surface really stunning not tonight even with a 4.5mm in it looked watery found that my objective was dewing up even though I had two dew strips on I may have to make one that gets hotter.

That`s it packed up came in  nice session with the Tal for a change still a really good scope.

Stay Safe


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Brilliant ! You might care to add next time out ,

15 Mon.(SAO 114258) At the base of the Christmas tree is a stunning multiple.

That Σ848 is a stunning 2.3" separation binary at the end of the 37 in NGC 2169, always adds something to cluster observing that these newest stars are binary rich. This particularly applies to M44 ,with both SLE and Σ binaries filling the view.

Not had much luck with skies here , either wobbling or cloudy ! Better next year !

careful now , Nick.

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