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M81 Bodes - 3 months progress


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I was very happy with my first attempt in September with a Bresser 102 and planetary camera ...


Some new equipment and practice and it's improving ....


42 x 2 minutes

Evostar 100ed + 0.85 reducer
ASI294MC Pro -10, gain 120
HEQ5 Pro
AsiAir - guided

Struggling with Flats but will hopefully solve that soon. They're a pain.

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That's a noticeable step forward, no doubt @matthasboldlygone

Smaller stars and loads more detail.  Nice work 👍

If you're working on it again... when I've stretched M81 I keep an eye on these two stars and try and keep some semblance of separation.  That's not to say I'm successful though... 🙂  I'm not sure what processing tools you're using but you may be able to get some additional colour too - at 1:1 I'm fairly sure I can see some red and blue in there.


Edited by geeklee
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I like this because it is an honest product from another amateur. I am distrustful of processed images. I am solidly supportive of the methods and means by which "everyday people" like us explore the extra-terrestrial universe.  I believe that science is for everyone who wants to practice it.  

What would make it perfect would be a write-up explaining the image. I mean, I assume the the stars in the middle of the whirlpool are between us and it. But how do you know? You do say a bit about equipment, instrumentation, calibrations. (42 x 2 minutes Evostar 100ed + 0.85 reducer  ASI294MC Pro -10 gain 120.HEQ5 Pro AsiAir - guided) That is nice for your mates who know what all that means.  Myself, you have a refractor with extra-low dispersion glass, a form of apochromatic correction. You took 42 snapshot in two minutes. You used a "reducer" which is the opposite of a Barlow lens. I have no idea why you would, but I see that you did. Whether your gain of 10 is a lot or a little depends on the range of your rheostat (varistor, volume control). The rest is lost on me.  I only ask because I usually pass over all of the tarted-up airbrushed pinups posted here and on every other discussion board. Your image seemed honest enough. It sent me out to read about M81. I have something new to pursue. So, thanks, again. 

The thing is that I work as a technical writer. You take a picture. I write 1000 words:  https://necessaryfacts.blogspot.com/2018/12/the-andromeda-galaxy.html

Best Regards,

MIke M.


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Thanks @mikemarotta , I am in two minds about the whole write up side of it. I'm probably not at the stage where I could answer any of those questions reliably. As a technical writer you'll appreciate knowing your subject before passing on knowledge.

I'll have a think about doing a write up of what I did during the night, problems I encountered and how I got to the final image. Could be helpful or just amusing to other beginners. 


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