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Hi all! 

So, after putting off getting an EQ mount forever and a day, I've recently purchased an EQM-35. I'm having some difficulty wrapping my tiny brain around using it! 

My main issue currently is that polaris isn't visible from my house (its behind another house and a very bright street light). So I cannot see polaris through the polar scope. I have gotten fairly close to where I think Polaris should be using stellarium, but I still cannot see it. 

I have been told I can compensate for that roughly by doing a 3 star alignment and correcting the mount as I go, but I cannot do this. Whenever I try a 3 star alignment the mount will slew to whatever the first target is, say Sirius - and when it is off, I cannot correct the mount at all. The slewing buttons just don't work. At all. But when I go to the next star, it slews perfectly again. And then won't let me slew to correct. 

Is this right? I know I'm not using the damn thing properly, but all I want to do is things at the moment, I'm not trying to image anything.

Basically, I'm an idiot, and I'm out of my depth, and help...please? 

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