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M33 IDAS Filter Experiment


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I'm certain many who have imaged M33 will have struggled to get decent arms in the galaxy and I regard it as my nemesis. Previous attempts have been hours of RGB data accumulated but never quite got there to my satisfaction even with my 14.5" f3.78 Newt. I recall from many years past Jerry Lodrigus and Ron Wodaski extolling the virtues of leaving an IDAS filter in place even in a dark sky site as it  cuts out sky glow etc but I've never been brave enough to try it with the few clear nights we get here in Central Scotland. My usual RGB sub length is 8 or 10 mins and that's about as far as I can push it. Anyway after waiting for a hole in the clouds for months I got 45 mins per RGB channel { 3 x 15min subs } with the IDAS filter in place. I was pleasantly surprised how it turned out given the lack of data. No noise reduction was done and processed in PI. Here's the link to Jerry's site if anyone is interested. 




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