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Permanent Pier questions


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I had a Hip replacement in 2016 and have not been 100% since so I have not setup my CEM60 Mount more than 2 times since then as it is ungainly to haul in and out of the house now compared to before the surgery. I miss my solar imaging and am strongly considering an iOptron Permanent Pier I have not found any videos on how to set it up though. I was also wondering what I should do about running wiring permanently as well or continue to haul it out every setup I do not and can not have an actual observatory so I run the wires from the livingroom laptop out a window (with a board the has 2 strips of foam on the edges and a notch cut in one corner for the wires to pass through.  I am not sure if I just want to toss weather/UV proof bags over the mount once the pier is done or buy a small plastic garden shed and hope it does not blow away in a storm.


I also am trying to figure out how to make my window board hold a USB hub setup so I use shorter cables... I designed an idea of what I want based on an old antenna wire window pass through I have for Ham Radio. I have added images of the antenna window pass through and the Minds eye design of what I THINK I want for the Astronomy USB connections. might add a serial to USB port to the board...





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If you can, I'd consider putting a Todmorden pier (cinder blocks) at your observing site, to which you run power and connectivity e.g. USB\Ethernet\WiFi, and either siting a small computer or the required hubs adjacent to the mount\scope etc.  in a weather protected enclosure. 

You cold then leave it all assembled, ready to go, and cover it all with a weather proof cover, which can be tied down...

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I would agree with Julian. 

However things to consider

  • USB cables over 5m, even active cables can be problematical.  You could run a long USB cable to the mount, along with power and then control the telescope from a computer in the house
  • Power to the mount - Low voltage cable run can provide power for the mount, USB hub (via a suitable 12v to 5v adapter) and any camera / aux equipment.  However, without any mains voltage any laptop would have to run on batteries, unless (and I'm yet to see it) the laptop has a 12v power input option.  Running mains to the mount to power a laptop etc would require an electrician to run and terminate armoured cable in accordance with current regulations.  Having a laptop at the mount means you could either control the mount whilst sitting at the mount, or use remote desktop and control it from the comfort of your living room.
  • An IP66 or IP68 rated junction box can be used to house the USB hub and any other cables at the mount to aid connection.  Using glands the cables can be fed through the box and permanently connected to the mount
  • A lot of people use plastic dustbins to cover the mount and secure it to the pier using bungy clips.

Hope this helps 

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I currently sit in the warmth of my living room running all cables out the window where I can watch the scope I am unable to put a weather protecr\time building around where I have the iOptron tri-pier mount concrete pads but thought I would put a permanent pier in the center of them and was considering a pvc pipe system to just keep the wire runs out all the time but not sure if I am thinking right, this is new to me.


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The hope of shorter cables is part of my desire in a permanent pier. But plan to remain running everything from inside my living room, just hoping it will be easier to only need to carry out the scope to setup rather than everything. It takes me 40-60min now to get setup to image. But if I can have the power and cables for the scope, camera, and focuser all run and waiting to be plugged in but protected from the elements all the better.

Edited by AstroEd
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