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Orion region at 135mm

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Hi everyone, 

I first got into astrophotography in September and just found this site today. I figured I'd start out with a post of my second Orion picture that I captured about 2 weeks ago. My first attempt was not so great due to walking noise so I incorporated manual dithering for the first time with this image

122 x 60s lights at ISO 640 and calibration frames with a modified Canon 60D, Astronomik L-2 UV-IR filter, Samyang 135mm lens at f/2 and Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer in a Bortle 5/6. Processed with AstroPixelProcessor and Photoshop.

I tried blending in shorter exposure subs of the Orion Nebula so it wouldn't be blown out, but couldn't get the stars to line up. I need to figure out how to fix that next. I would love to be able to dither automatically with the SWSA because it is freezing outside. Does anyone know if that is possible to do without buying a whole autoguiding setup?


HF2 final 3.png

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That’s a really good image and fair play to you manually dithering.  I’m fairly sure I read somewhere you can use software like Nina to do a dither even without guiding, but as it’s not something I use myself so can’t be 100%

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