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Reducing Brightness


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Hi All


I've recently bought a 2nd hand D3200 which I modified by removing the IR cut filter. I've done a couple of sessions and the camera seems to work well. One of my recent targets has been the Orion Nebula (see pic below) taken with a Optolong broadband filter (19x60sec, ISO200). I also captures 19x15sec subs and was hoping to combine the 2 images to provide more detail in the central region of the nebula. 


Do any of you know of good tutorials on combining images or can provide guidance on how I can reduce the brightness of the central region?

Orion Nebula.jpeg

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If you're using DSS to stack the images you could put the 60s images in one group and the 15s images in a second and then use the Entropy Weighted Average (HDR) stacking mode. I've used it sucessfully with M42 to show the Trapezium stars but I used 4 different exposures (180s, 60s, 20s and 7s) so I'm not sure what the result would be with just 2 different exposures.

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