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Today I finally edited some data I've had for a while. It's a widefield shot (50mm prime lens) that was used on a modified Canon 600D. The end result is about 50 x 3 minute exposures, ISO 800 f/3.5. It was also shot with an IDAS D2 light pollution suppression filter riding atop an iOptron SkyGuider Pro. The Eastern skies when I shot this are full of street lights so there were some nasty gradients.

I also realised that the camera lens pulls itself in when the camera is switched off, which meant that even though I'd taped the focus ring down, my focus had changed and I couldn't use flat frames anymore, resulting in the horrible dust motes. Ah well, show must go on! Speaking of flat frames, I have a video on them on my YouTube channel and a post on my website.


I hope you enjoy the photo. It was actually quite difficult to process in a way that doesn't destroy any details in Andromeda. Also, because it wasn't dithered there's a lot of walking noise in the image that also ruined definition.

Just... appreciate it from afar, and don't zoom in! 😂


Edit 1.jpg

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An interesting and unusual shot. It reminds me that’s how I locate the two galaxies when looking through binoculars. I start with that bright star between them, go up to look for M31 and then down again to the Triangulum Galaxy. 

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