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Mars November 12, 2020


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Couldn't resist another imaging session with Mars as Syrtis Major was on major display, the sky was clear and still and Mars was at amazing altitude:


Orion SkyView Pro 180mm Mak-Cass, ZWO ASI224MC, Celestron 2x barlow. Processed in Registax 6/Photoshop

The south polar cap and north polar hood were visible also, as a number of albedo features.


To Mars!

Reggie :) 

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27 minutes ago, Knighty2112 said:

Forcast for weekend here in UK not good, so don’t know the next chance I’ll get to view Mars as yet, but fingers crossed, miracles do sometimes happen! :) 

Let's shoot for that miracle, Gus ;)  Sometimes, the best nights are work nights and the weekends are mush, lol! So what if I lose a little sleep, haha

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Very nice image Reggie with lots of albedo detail and some cloud as well. Weather here has been a bit mixed so last imaging session was on the 6th November.  Tomorrow I will be sorting out my mini-rig in anticipation of the Leonid shower. I have noticed that my software defined radio has been picking up increased numbers of meteors over the last few days.  So fingers crossed for a clear night!

best regards George

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