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Astronomy Tools Actions Set - Photoshop

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Hello everyone! 

I'm really new to astrophotography and image processing. I've worked with Photoshop on some DSO images in the last days.

I saw a lot of people using astronomy tools actions set.
Is this worth buying? Does it make some major differences?

Thank you, Vlad

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4 hours ago, Anonymous Astronomer said:

Thank you all for sharing your opinions.

This tool looks powerful, but I don't know if I want to pay $60 for it. Not for the moment.

Clear skies,

Some kind of gradient removal tool is more or less essential. Astro Pixel Processor has a good one, as does AstroArt. Pixinsight's are also excellent and possibly the best. Even from dark sites colour gradients are a persistent problem. 

I've been using Astronomy Tools (formerly know as Noel's Actions) for years. Very useful.


Edited by ollypenrice
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37 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Some kind of gradient removal tool is more or less essential. Astro Pixel Processor has a good one, as does AstroArt. Pixinsight's are also excellent and possibly the best. Even from dark sites colour gradients are a persistent problem. 

I've been using Astronomy Tools (formerly know as Noel's Actions) for years. Very useful.


Which of the AA gradient tools do you typically use Olly? Any particular ways in which you apply it in AA?

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I turn to astronomy tools actions regularly when using PS.  The star selection tool is very helpful in creating star masks.  You can run through a tedious manually routine but the action is a real time saver.  The noise reduction tools can work very effectively as can the local contrast enhancement.  

I have used Gradient Exterminator for many years.  It is brilliant when there is a discreet target area, so much quicker that PI's DBE and, in my experience gives just as good results.  However AstroFlat pro is a newer and more powerful tool.  I haven't used it a lot but it is becoming my go to gradient removal tool.  I save DBE for more complex problems e.g. where there is widespread nebulosity.

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