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Great Conjunction - Jupiter & Saturn - 2020 DEC 21


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Took advantage yesterday to image this occasion & pleased / surprised to see Jupiter's moons too - using Canon 700D + Canon EF300 1.4.

Alas tonight it's back to normal service, cloud!

Good luck to all today, hope there are some clear skies somewhere?



Best Image Conjunction.jpg

Edited by groberts
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Good luck and well done to anyone who has seen it or photographed it. It clouded over here late afternoon so it was a no show. Looks like today will be no better. What a surprise though? It never normally clouds of for celestial events in the U.K. does it? Ever! 🤨

Edited by Ouroboros
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Typical that the weather turns for such an event, that’s UK Astronomy though.

I and my household are isolating due to Covid, so I don’t feel like going outside if I were allowed to anyway, typical.

However I did catch sight of them from my bedroom window yesterday after sunset, so that was good, really close now, so let us hope someone gets a cloud gap or better still a clear sky today and observes this truly once in a lifetime event.

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The weather is pea soup in my neck of the woods today, can't see a hundred yards. Odds are zero that there will be even the slightest opportunity for viewing this evening, but I just might take a chance and run the lockdown blockade (if there is one), and head up to my favourite observing spot on top of the mountain. :icon_neutral:

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Seen nothing of these two for weeks due to either clouds or low elevation.

I was hoping this current band of cloud and mizzle would clear by sunset and see the conjunction through the suckers gap. The latest forecast hold hope for only the extreme NW of Scotland and Ireland. 

And here's me, just bought new Duracells for this here Celestron SLT mount that was going to facilitate my observations this evening. Perhaps the kids will get some festive junk that I can use them in instead. Waste not, want not...

Edited by Paul M
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Well that is another celestial event ruined by the weather, and probably a once in a lifetime one as well. I've been off work for Christmas for a week and so far not an inch of clear sky, nor was there any clear skies for the last several weeks/months prior. September was the last time I had a good string of clear nights with an odd couple nights in November. 

Someone please turn off the weather, or provide me funds to move somewhere with astro-friendly weather.


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