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AstroLandscapes #1 - Swavesey Priory

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I had an enjoyable couple of hours yesterday evening at Swavesey Priory on the edge of the Cambridgeshire Fens.  Swavesey lies exactly on the Greenwich Meridian, so I switched hemispheres a few times.

A gorgeous bright, long Taurid fell just to the upper left of the Plough as I was taking the static shots, but unfortunately it seems to have done so during the interval between each frame - d'oh!

Would love any constructive thoughts and comments - still new to this so any pointers are helpful.  Details at the bottom.




Star trails: 16x180s exposures ISO200 on Canon 6D with Samyang 14mm at f/4. Edited in Lightroom and Photoshop and blended in Sequator

Fixed stars: 8x30s exposures ISO800 on Canon EOS100D with Samyang 16mm at f/2.8.  Edited in Lightroom and blended in Sequator


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