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Help Processing Pacman Nebula

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Hi everyone. This week I've been imaging the Pacman Nebula with my Optolong L-eNhance filter. 

I managed to get 4 hours 46 minutes over two nights and got this result (I use GIMP at the moment so can't deal with the gradients).511805662_PacmanNebulaGIMP.thumb.jpg.e9b3496f4e46dfe8187cbbf4ed476993.jpg

Tonight I tried adding some more exposure time to it (now totalling 6 hours 38 minutes) and restacked everything again in Deep Sky Stacker. The problem I am having is that when I stretch the image, the red channel stays against the far left side of the histogram and I cannot get any colour in the nebula except for cyan. 

The sub exposures were all 2 minutes long using ISO 3200 using a Canon EOS 100D and William Optics Zenithstar 61 on a Star Adventurer. I do guide and use Sharpcap to polar align but 2 minutes is about the longest I can get away with before star trailing becomes evident due to polar alignment. The guide error is normally around 2" so stars are a little bit bloated as my image scale is 2.5"pp. I used super pixel mode in DSS to bin the image 2x (is this a good idea?). Is the problem that my sub exposures are just too short (I have an HEQ5 on order so that should fix that problem!) or something else?

Here's the stack if anyone wants to try stretching it. Stack 6Hr 38Min.TIF

Thanks for any help! 🙂

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I don't think I explained the problem very well in the original post. I just had another play with the data I captured. This is 4 hours and 46 minutes. There is clearly a lot of red in the nebula.


And this is the same data plus another two hours, exactly the same settings used for capturing and stacking. Processed the same way also...


And this is the histogram. The red channel is broken up...


Does anyone know what has happened here? 🤔

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