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Combining Two Different FOV Image Stacks In PI

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All taken on the same equipment, I have five filter stacks aligned using DSS of the same area of sky but one is a slightly different FOV + exposure time:

1.      LRGB x4 stacks are @ 60sec subs taken west of the Meridian and match OK;

2.      The Ha is a stack of 300 sec subs , taken east of the Meridian but unfortunately the FOV between the two sets has shifted say +/- 5%.

How can I align and integrate the combined LRGB stacks with the Ha stack using PixInsight?

I had a similar problem before and found using dynamic crop achieved the same aligned FOV for each image stack, albiet after 5% cropping, which could then be combined in LRGBCombination etc. but in this case it doesn't work for some reason.


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