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Campbell’s Hydrogen Star

Marvin Jenkins

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I am an avid follower of the EEVA section although sadly not a practitioner of EEVA at present. Because I am really board at the moment (weather) I find myself looking at star charts for obscure future targets.

I found Campbell’s Hydrogen Star with the symbol for a planetary nebula, which confused me at first. Why would a star have a plan neb symbol? It then dawned on me that all plan nebs  are in fact stars, just transitioning to white dwarf status.

My question is, has anyone EEVA Campbell’s H Star? Plan nebs are so small and many unremarkable in my 6 inch newt that I thought I would ask the question. Any examples would be great.

I am going to ask about CHS on the standard Observing section as I am planning on trying to observe it using my standard equipment.

Thanks, Marvin

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I haven't tried Campbell's Hydrogen Star, looks interesting. I see that it is a mere 7.5" in diameter - I think to see this you would need a longish focal length. I have EAA'd some small planetaries with my RC6 at at its native focal length of 1350mm using a Lodestar camera and the images were pretty small - see below for the Catseye nebula which is 20" diameter and pretty bright so probably easier than Campbell's Hydrogen Star. So in summary, I would say it's probably challenge to reveal anything more than a tiny disc. I'd be interested to hear others' thoughts though. 



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Thank you very much. Firstly thanks for the reply. Secondly 15 inch dob! I knew it was small and would appear star like but I am wondering if I will see it at all in a six inch newt. I guess only time will tell and I will get a picture if possible.

Just to say I have seen it will be enough. Something about objects that are beyond what is supposed possible bury an itch in my mind I just cannot scratch.

Might be the end of me. Marv

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