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A moonlit Fenland adventure

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I spent a magical night of solitude at a nature reserve near my home in the Cambridgeshire Fens.  The moonlight glistened off the ripples in the lakes and draped the trees in a lovely silvery hue.  I captured this star trail shot in front of an old lock gate that kept the floodwaters from the River Great Ouse out of the former gravel pit workings that have now been handed over to wildlife.  I also found this lovely fallen tree trunk that extended out into one of the lakes with the stars of Aquila, Delphinus and Sagitta overhead (would love to get a shot without the moonlight to show the Milky Way arching upwards).  I'm new to this landscape stuff, but I'm finding it a really enjoyable way to spend an evening!



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Lovely star trails with tons of star colour and a good composition. Can you tell I like it ?

The other one surprises me as I've thought about shooting through bushes but always assumed it wouldn't work. You've changed my mind so I'm going to try it out now.



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1 hour ago, davew said:

Lovely star trails with tons of star colour and a good composition. Can you tell I like it ?

The other one surprises me as I've thought about shooting through bushes but always assumed it wouldn't work. You've changed my mind so I'm going to try it out now.



Thanks Dave. Very kind. Ideally I’d have been a bit more “under” the lock, but I got as far out over the drainage channel as I dare given it was dark and I was by myself!! I was pleased with the star colours though given the strong gibbous moon.

Shooting through the bushes was just “have a go”! I think it helped having a short focal length lens (I was using a 14mm Samyang) so focus was straightforward. The breeze blurred out some of the twigs unfortunately, but it’s a composition I think I’ll enjoy playing with. I did a portrait version as well, which I think on reflection has a more pleasing line to draw the eye.

Basically what I’ve learned so far is: just give something a go!!

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