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Driver or ASCOM or something else ???

Skipper Billy

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I am using the latest build of N.I.N.A. and I have the very latest version of ASCOM and Lakeside drivers installed.

The issue is that every time I connect my Lakeside focuser NINA reports the position and 'move to' target as 5000 - this drives the rack and pinion focuser hard against the stops and stalls the motor - not good for any of the parts involved.

Strangely enough if I disconnect then reconnect it always reports the correct position and 'move to'.

This is reliably repeatable. See attached images of first connection and second connection - particularly the numbers highlighted in yellow.

Any ideas ???

first connection.JPG

second connection.JPG

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1 hour ago, tomato said:

I’m not familiar with how the focus control works in NINA, but if the current position and ‘move to’ positions are the same, why is the software moving the focuser?

In the second photo it correctly reports the target as being the same as the current position and doesn't move which is correct.

In the first photo it reports everything as 5000 (which isn't even possible with my focuser) and if I press any button to move the focuser it charges off towards 5000 hits the stops and stalls the motor. Something very wrong - I have reported it to the developer.

The weird thing is it always gets it wrong on first connection and always gets it right when disconnected then reconnected. It is 100% repeatable too!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I really need to try it under the stars, I've had it set up and looked around a few times.

I currently use SGP but won't be upgrading to their subscription model.  Everything works, albeit with the odd SGP connection problem at start up that I've grown to expect.

Next year should be obsy build year for me and I'd like to get automation set up for the roof from the off.  How are NINA's observatory automation controls, can you use rain / cloud sensors to flag unsafe conditions and park the scope / close the roof?




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2 hours ago, Starflyer said:

How are NINA's observatory automation controls, can you use rain / cloud sensors to flag unsafe conditions and park the scope / close the roof?

I dont use any of those facilities but it will do them and it is an area that is currently being worked on by the Devs at NINA.

There is some info here - https://nighttime-imaging.eu/docs/develop/site/tabs/equipment/dome/

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