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Simultaneous L and Ha capture (or anything else)


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10 hours ago, Martin Meredith said:

I'm planning to add a L+Ha mode to Jocular

Here's a thought...

I'm sure this has been done before, and, if I'm correct, it confers no advantage in terms of overall acquisition time, but it does mean that you could do this without a filter wheel or two scopes.

Has anyone used a bino-viewer with two cameras for EEVA (or otherwise) ? 

  • True, the light reaching either camera is halved, but it does mean that you could have simultaneous capture of, say, red/blue or L/Ha.
  • True, you would need two cameras
  • True, dithering might be a problem (but maybe that doesn't concern you, because you don't guide)

I use Nebulosity for capture, so it's easy to run two copies simultaneously (I assume this may be true for other acquisition software?)

Something like this:


or this


Your thoughts?


Edited by AKB
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