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Rosette Closeup....


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Thanks all...

Yes - this was at F/7 through the Astro Professional 102ED.

How did I get the colour? In CS2, Loaded the Ha into the red channel, loaded the OIII into the blue channel, used Noel Carboni's Actions to synthisize green (it takes the red and blue channels and blends them), then stretched all three channels whilst maintaining white stars. This was only an hour through each filter, hence the noise.

I plan to stick with this object whilst its available, and see if I can grab a 4 frame mosaic in a similar fashion, but in order to reduce noise, I think I am going to have to shoot 2 hours through each filter, so it will be a while. Of course, the other option is to wait until I get my new focuser for the F/4 GSO-200 - that should reduce the exposure time for each filter :)

I am also going to reprocess with my dark frame removed (that was a quick process with no calibration), and will post up the results later on.



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