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Out of the box - IT's HERE

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I apologise in advance for all the pictures, just want to show it all off. 

My new Taurus T350 has finally arrived from Poland after what seems like forever. 

As you can see from the pictures there was some courier damage caused but I immediately contacted Adam at Taurus who tells me I should be getting a new truss set. It is still useable but of course that is not the point. 

Optional extras added to the scope were heated secondary and adjustable cooled primary.  Upgraded primary mirror to Supremax glass which also boosts reflectivity (There is a load of blurb but it goes over my head). Counterbalance weights. A moonlight 10/1 focuser.  Covers for all the parts and finally DSC system.

I wasn't going to bother with the Digital setting circles but after chatting to Peter Drew at the astronomy centre I changed my mind and added it. 



It moves around like a dream, so smooth. The AZ bearing has fully adjustable teflon pads for adding friction although it actually runs on 6 bearings. 

Nearly forgot to mention it comes fully shrouded and flocked.

It really is a lovely bit of kit that needs using asap haha 🤣



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That is one beautiful looking Dob, i have never heard of Taurus telescopes, i doubt they're available in North America. Just browsing through their website as you've stirred my curiosity, they really are beautifully made and finished, definitely the prettiest wood dob's I've seen so far.

Edited by Sunshine
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Cheers guys, it is a lovely piece of kit and as mentioned above the wooden finish is beautiful.

28 minutes ago, jetstream said:

Yes the DSC are a very nice thing to have, my truss dobs also have them - what system do you have?

all I know about the DSC is the encoder has 8192 steps in both az and alt, operates via either bluetooth or wifi and links up with skysafari pro on my phone. It has the Taurus logo on the controller box.

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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Really beautiful scope Baz! I’ve not heard of them either but I’m sure it will be amazing. Shame about the damage, but rather the poles than the mirror I guess!

It's a relatively minor thing in the big scheme of things Stu, I saw it looked damaged so I got pictures whilst still on the wagon, that way the courier used cannot argue responsibility. Adam at taurus made this point also and has told me to expect a new truss set.  Had the mirror been damaged I would have been in tears haha

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hoping to give it a quick go in the back garden to test out the DSC and also give it a general workout but unlikely to give it a proper outing under dark skies until the new truss arrives.

I did manage to collimate it as the bashed tubes had thrown it way out but I reckon it won't perform to it's best as the collimation although correct in terms of light path are not following the design light path if that makes sense.

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Captain Magenta said:

Hi Steve ... how’s the scope been? I hope good.

I’m toying with getting a Taurus myself.

Weather has kept my use of it down to not a lot to be honest magnus.  However the damaged replacement truss arrived and it is perfect.

From the limited use it has had the one thing I have noticed is the stars are sharper at the eyepiece. It collimates easy peasy. It is as smooth as anything to operate. The DSC is very accurate, although I have built a levelling platform to aid this.

I do not regret spending on it and I added almost all upgrades except the transporting handles. 

In short, the 14" offers everything I would like at a weight which delivers my need for portability. 



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What a beauty. I have been toying with the idea of getting a 10" myself and there really isn't a lot of info around about these scopes. Thank you for the post. Functionally it means nothing but in your pictures on the part that has the focuser there seems to be some glue seeping out from where the wood discs meet the cylinder? I will take function over aesthetics any day but there is some careful work to do to obtain a new telescope license in my house :) In any case congratulations, I hope it brings many delightful nights once this absolutely horrendous weather blows over.

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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, flyingdutch20 said:

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the pics, convinced me even more I want one as well.

Interestingly, I am in the UK as well so I understand that you don't get charged the EU VAT. But do you then pay the UK VAT? And any other import duties?



Yes you'll be charged VAT, Duty and a carrier handling charge for getting it through customs.

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2 hours ago, flyingdutch20 said:

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the pics, convinced me even more I want one as well.

Interestingly, I am in the UK as well so I understand that you don't get charged the EU VAT. But do you then pay the UK VAT? And any other import duties?



Can't remember if i am honest but it was under 200 quid extra, still worth it though. 

I have seen deeper and further with this that i have with any other scope I have had.

It is easy to transport and assemble and the DSC system finds hard to find fuzzy's to within quarter of a degree. 

In short it is everything I ever wanted in one. 

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