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Planetary imaging with 294mc pro


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I'm used to imaging DSO with my frac setup but id like to dust the 127 mak off tonight and try grab some images of mars. I have a 120mm-s and a 294mc pro. I dont have LRGB filters for the 120 so would like to try the 294mc pro on the mak.


Ill be using a 2x barlow,

-Should i bin when imaging mars with this cam?

-recommended number of frames to grab?




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Use an IR-cut filter if the 224 doesn’t have one built in.

When you get a good patching of seeing and when focus is good, I’d capture a run of data with no binning, then if you want do another binning. 

If you get the resolution down to under 400 x 400 or so, you’ll be capturing at 200fps or so, so I’d go for 60 seconds which will give you 12,000 frames per run. Do several of these over an hour or so and then hopefully at least one will process well.

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