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Hi All,

Just started with astrophotography, hopefully I will be creating some stunning images of DSO fairly soon.

I am considering the following setup:

Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro R mount

Skywatcher Esprit 100 APO scope

Some sort of config using a webcam etc for Autoguiding

Canon DLSR Body 


I would appreciate any comments on the above, I realise the above equipment isn't really beginners stuff, but I don't want to find myself upgrading in a year or two!

Being semi- retired  I have plenty of time, just waiting on some clear sky!



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Hi, and a very warm welcome to the Lounge :)

I suggest, before  making any equipment commitments, purchase the book "Making Every Photon Counts" by Steve Richards. It gives a great insight into astrophotograhy equipment and how to use it.


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