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5.10.20 AR2773 slips out of sight in poor seeing conditions.


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1 hour ago, Peter Drew said:

How soon we forget!  Not so long ago you would have been in raptures over "dreadful" images like these.  Just underlines your current abilities if given the chance.       🙂



Never mind the quality.. feel the width?  :wink2:

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boost your gain a couple bumps in processing to reveal the spicule layer.  (My only suggestion to further improve your images)


Download the app  "PIPP",  i find it really helps a ton before i run the raw vide into  autostakkert.  This adds a pre-processing area to the work flow so you get the most!


Yu are missing half the fun of h-0alpha by subtracting the limb!

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8 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

So quite again, looks like cycle 25 is not quite ready to burst in life just yet.

I have been setting up for imaging in the dome, scanning the disk and limb on the monitor and then just walking away.
There was nothing interesting to be seen yesterday. A couple of small filaments and a few tiny proms.
I captured this on the SE quadrant to check etalon and focus adjustment after my latest changes:
Just the usual thermal shaking and light "simmering" to spoil the show.


7.10.20 10.24 b1200 2 x GPC bw blog image.jpg

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