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My Takahashi BRC-250 is in place


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Hi All

Simon from Widescreen Centre delivered my Takahashi BRC-250 a couple of weeks ago but due to working 9 to 5 and bad weather I haven't had a chance to set it up on the mount till yesterday when there was sufficient clear weather to get the job done. For a 10" scope it is quite a sizeable beast partly because of the dew shield. It took me about half an hour to get everything correctly balanced but now it is perfectly balanced in every direction. Now all I need is some clear weather to try it out!!! It now sits alongside the TMB 115 and WO 72mm

Thanks for looking best wishes






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Hi All

Thanks for the comments, a BRC in the case of the Takahashi stands for Baker Ritchey-Chretien, this is a true RC design with the addition of a "Baker" field flattener/reducer built in (although this can be removed). Unlike most other RC scopes which are usually f8 the BRC is f5 with a 100mm flat imaging circle making it ideal for imaging with all size chips. It is a 10" aperture with a focal length of 1250mm so it isn't a huge increase in focal length. Initially I will still be using the Paramount unguided but at some point I will be using guiding. I am also planning on getting a smaller chip camera such as the H9 to compliment my H36 which should give me better coverage for the smaller DSO's. Regarding funds for this, I don't drive, don't go out drinking, don't have kids and am in a reasonably well paid job so this is my major outlay when it comes to money

Best wishes



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Hi Again

Thanks for putting the link to Telescope House Tony, I look at that price in horror as I paid nowhere near that amount for mine. I paid £8900 from Widescreen Centre in London and it was delivered personally by Simon Bennett free of charge. I have it on good authority that even if you could afford to buy one and wanted it you would not be able to get one anyway as Takahashi have stopped making them, the reason for this is that they are going to be producing a new model later this year or early next year (what specs it will be I don't know), this is just information that Simon got from Takahshi Europe. I was lucky, as when I decided on this scope it was round about the time when all the prices were shooting up and Simon got in contact with Takahashi Europe straight away and they had 3 in stock of which 2 had been spoken for by somebody in Italy and they agreed to let me have it at the old price so I jumped at the chance. This is one of th3e reasons why I get all my kit from Simon at Widescreen, the service is fantastic and he will do his best to get me exactly what I want for a good price

Best wishes


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Hi All

Thanks for the comments, ........snip.

Regarding funds for this, I don't drive, don't go out drinking, don't have kids and am in a reasonably well paid job so this is my major outlay when it comes to money

Best wishes



The Takahashi oozes quality but that mount looks the absolute business.

I drive, have kids, drink like a fish and have a naff paid job..... hence the 127Mak :) .

I'm sure you're going to enjoy this setup very much.


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Hi Guys

I am sure that there is some truth in the scientific rumour that bad weather is exponentially proportionate to the cost of your imaging setup ie the probability of bad weather is 10(cost of imaging system):X, where X=likelihood of clear weather (X can only be = 1 or 2, this is based on the fact that I have only ever experienced 2 clear nights in a row where I live). I think I will call this Gordon's law.

Best wishes



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