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First serious Light (VdB141) from my finished obsy


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OK the first serious testing has commenced, trying to get familiar with my old and new kit and also with processing astro imaging data. This image was shot on 4 clear nights between Septemebr 19th and 23rd and consists of almost 18.5 hours of data (369x 3 min, -10°Cm gain 5.62, offset 25) shot with the AA Hypercam 269C Pro TEC, calibrated with 50 darks, 21 flats and 50 bias frames and stacked in DSS, postprocessed in PI. Still need to relearn a lot in PI, but for now I am happy with my first image in about 5 years time. Also, this test shows there is quite a lot possible even under my Bortle 5-6 skies.


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