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Baader Amici Prism Diagonal - have you had one without the diffraction spike issue?

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For various reasons, I find a correctly orientated image,  (vertically & horizontally) as given by an Amici prism in a diagonal, much easier for me to use with my observing. 

I absolutely loved the Baader Amici prism with the ClickLock. The build quality is lovely and it gave really great views - except when you try and use it on an object brighter than about magnitude 1.5, whereupon you see the infamous diffraction spike ruining your view. 

I know this is a fairly common issue with prisms and with Baader Amici prisms in particular but I have also heard of people trying several and then finding one without the diffraction spike issue.  Mine was bought from a reputable online only astronomy supplier on the USA west coast who assured me they tested the prism prior to my purchase but they obvioulsy did not. They did give me a refund in the end. I would really love to try and obtain another Baader prism but without the diffraction problem.

My question is, have you done the process of trying several prisms before getting a good one? Who did you use? (please feel free to PM me) Did you end going directly to Baader? I would do that ordinarily but I now live in the USA, not Europe. Have you another non Baader correct orientation prism that you could recommend to me ? (Although I have to say once you use a Baader diagonal with a ClickLock there really is no going back to the fiddly adjustment screws!!!)

Thanks for any advice, sharing of experiences or recommendations. 




Edited by StarGazingSiouxsie
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I bought an Omegon amici prism a while ago and it works very well with no sign of any difraction spikes. No click lock but clamps eyepieces very well and I find it as easy as a clicklock  to use. Not cheap but then neither are the Baader ones.


Edited by johninderby
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I have a 2" Orion (USA) branded on, but I think it is made by William Optics. At low magnification, no diffraction spikes are visible, although the out-of-focus appearance of stars is weird. At higher magnification, I do see issues with diffraction spikes. I really only use it for wide-field observing with my APM 80mm F/6, so don't mind. I am not sure an Amici prism without diffraction spikes can be designed. I have a few cheaper Amici prisms I used for my giant finder, and they are also only really for use at low magnification

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I was lucky enough to buy a T2 BBHS amici prism from another SGL member Mike (I-Peace) a few months ago. I’ve used it mostly for Moon observation, and can say it is perfect. No spike whatsoever, and I use it at magnifications up to 225x. Quality every bit as good as my other T2 diagonals - a standard BBHS and a Zeiss prism. 
I know Mike dealt directly with Baader when he was buying it and did send one or two back he wasn’t happy with I think. 

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