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Pointing Software Suggestions for Pi4?


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I am looking for suggestions for Linux-based pointing software that will accept coordinates for sync manually or from Astrometry.net other than Ekos.  I like the way AstroPhotoPlus works, but can't get it to run on a Pi4.

I am currently running PHD2 for guiding, Astrometry.net (local command line) for plate-solving, my own Java DIY package for focusing (all of these with indi drivers) and AstroDMx_Capture for imaging.  I could close the loop if I just could find a pointing package that would accept coordinates for sync.

Ekos is an obvious choice, but I don't care for the way it operates and I have had many issues with it in my recent attempts at integration.  Hopefully, there is something else out there I just haven't found yet.  Lots of stuff for Windows, but "I don't do Windows," nor does the Pi without pain and suffering.    

I was reasonably pleased with AstroPhotoPlus, but can't get it to run on a Pi4 and support requests seem to be a very long-term process by design.

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Thanks All!  I really appreciate it.  Sometimes it is easier to ask folks in the same venue than Google.  Google often sends me on long goose chases.

...and for the record....I don't mind paying for software...but I'm an old UNIX guy and just don't care for "Windoze."

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CCDCIEL is the = of Ekos - so has a sequencer ,preview,video,focuser ,Platesolving and Planetarium - the latter 2 sections (platesolving etc) are via external software e.g. various local Astrometry.net Apps or ASTAP and  CDC/HNSKY. You can also run CCDCIEL on Linux,Windows,Mac OS and talk to both Indi / Ascom simultaneously but as I know you hate Windows the details I have provided are for Linux/MAC OS only.

CCDciel is still beta as Peter does most (if not all) the devopment himself but he is a very good and experienced guy (e.g. CDC). IMHO CCDciel is a bit "lumpy" and could do with a better laid out front screen BUT it gives you access to both Indi Screens - you just have use them to release the Indi power . DSLR is only available via Indi (as there is no 100% working Ascom DSLR driver - sorry IMO) but everything else available in Indi is available to Ccdciel. I prefer the sequencer in Ccdciel to Ekos and its "untied" approach. OK Ekos has more options now days as there are more developers BUT IMHO EKOS will never be "extracted" from Kstars. As normal lots love the latter approach and other dont.

Support from Peter is 1st class and he is always willing and open to suggestions and if you work with him on "bugs" he usually fix's things fast.

I have been using Ccdciel for about 18months in a Windows(ascom) and Linux/Indi Mix (and a slighty more complex way I wont go into) which I have found to be pretty stable. In your case running CCDCIEL in Windows/Android (ascom and / or Synscan Pro App) and Linux/ Indi might help with your problems (as per Indi Forum) but then you would have to use Windows(ascom) to access Synscan Pro App - so guess thats not on 🙂


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I have been using KStars/Ekos for two years now initially on a RPi3B and for the last year on the RPi4 and it does all I want, no glitches.  It works seamlessly with PHD2 and offers two options for plate solving.



Edited by wornish
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Stash_old==>  Thanks, I'll look into CCDCIEL...though not the windows stuff.  "I don't do Windows and I don't type on fruit."  :)

Wornish==> I have thoroughly tested and worked with Ekos, but had some issues with lockups and things that may be due to the odd collection of gear I have to operate  For now, at least, other packages work better for me.  Thanks for the mention, though.  For many, Ekos is an excellent choice.

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OK...I have a really basic question that =must= be answered in the documentation for Carte du Ciel somewhere, though I cannot find it or perhaps cannot describe it properly enough to generate an answer.  So, I'll try here:

When I open up Carte du Ceil, there are these very large, circular, light blue "blobs" on the chart.  1) What the heck are these blobs? 2) Why are they there? 3) How do I make them go away? (which assumes they don't have a really good reason for showing up that I am too inexperienced to understand at this point) 

The wash out the background, making it difficult to see what is that section of the sky.  At first, noting that one such blob was more or less centered around Jupiter, I suspected that it was trying to show the zone of excessive brightness due to Jupiter.  Then, I found a similar blob around Mercury and decided that explanation was a bit of a stretch.

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Hmm..I think I see now.  Running the software at night, there are no blue blobs.  The blue blobs that show in daytime seem to all contain planets.  Perhaps that is a hint that you might be able to do some level of daytime photography of planets within the blue blobs.  Interesting if true.  Not my cup of tea, but interesting.

That sound right??

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