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New Setup!

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Hi All,

Received a 80mm F/5 Refractor Celestron yesterday looks really nice from the outside but as yet i have not had chance to try it yet outside. The purpose of this scope is so i can take it with me on my nightly walks out of the Lightpollution this works great with my Photo Tripod all pack's away in a Travel/Shoulder bag.

Another reason to is for wide field imaging on the Heq5 mount hehe i think the mount will take it :lol:.

I'll post a pic later of the setup.


PS:Thanks Jamie for the scope :)

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(the Grab & Go refractor seems to be breeding!)

Very true Steve i think it's down to the clouds and getting quick peeps in between the Gaps :)...

Iam hopeing too use the scope for bird watching too :lol:


I'l use the bench's for my eyepieces and Flask of Tea :)

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I have a 80/f5 scope in the shape of a nexstar 80gt. It's a great little scope and very portable. Even fully loaded on it's tripod with goto I can pick the whole lot up with one hand and walk it into the backyard. The only bugbear i have with it is that it doesn't take 2" eyepieces for those REALLY wide field views. I was half considering buying an 80ED to replace the OTA and keep the tripod/goto.

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Cheers Martin, Targets Mmmmmmmm first one to come to mind is the American Nebula end of April it's quite a wide one but i reakon i may just get it in the Dslr if not 2 images stiched hehe..

Pics soon just setting up software on new Lappy..


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Cheers Martin, Targets Mmmmmmmm first one to come to mind is the American Nebula end of April it's quite a wide one but i reakon i may just get it in the Dslr if not 2 images stiched hehe..

Pics soon just setting up software on new Lappy..


Fantastic choice. Your set up should be just the job. another S@N appearance in the making methinks :lol::)

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it.... works...... sort of hehe

to be honest i dont use the goto that much. I just like to use the controller to slew the scope and use the red dot finder to search for whatever takes my fancy. Im a lazy astronomer hehe.

If you can get one of those new fangled sky align hand controllers i've heard they are fantastic. just point the scope at any 3 bright objects and your aligned and done. Mine you have to level the tube and point at north, then align on 2 stars. It's a bit tedious and i prefer to just use the slewing tbh.

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Thats nothing JD, theres a guy called Andy in this months S@N magazine letters section who only changes his underwear as often as most people buy new scopes. :shock: :shock:

Wouldn't wanna be a pair of his pants!!!!!!!!! :insects1: :insects1: :insects1:

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