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Samyang 135 first light on my CCD


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I finally worked out how to get this attached to my Atik One-6. The main issue is back focus. I bought a ZWO canon/M42 adaptor and had to take some of the thread off in the lathe. This still didn't quite reach focus and a friend told me about the infinity stop adjustment. I can now get to focus, yey, although I will buy one the the bayonet replacement to m48 when FLO have them in stock as I think this will make a more rigid connection.

Processing is what I could remember and this is the result of 14x10 mins HA @F2.8 

I'm happy with this and that the lens is good 



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20 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Nice one David, was thinking about buying this lens then went and bought a Sharpstar 150HNT f/2.8, regretting it now as I've wasted months trying to get a decent image out of it.


cheers Dave, I'd been on the fence for ages about this lens, how much use would it get for the price but i'm really pleased with it and will probably use it more than I first thought. Stepdown rings have been suggested to get rid of the star spikes, I don't find them too obtrusive but it's an option. Not sure what size ring to knock it down half or 1 stop.


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16 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

Excellent, the Samyang 135m is a beaut and very nicely framed.

Someone very kindly lent me a WO Redcat so I aim to do a wide field of it like yours with my QHY268C as a test

framing was pure luck as the ccd body was bolted down, just received a lens collar so hopefully will get rotation. Hope you get good results with the redcat, what a nice loan.


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