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Jupiter and Saturn with Intes MK67.


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I decided to get my Intes MK67 Maksutov out of it's case on Sunday 13th September 2020, and I am so glad that I did. I believe this is my best telescope for planetary imaging by far, due to it's superb sharpness.
The below images were taken in not very good seeing, and with the usual annoying  coastal breezes in the air, thanks to living close to the sea, on the tip of West Wales, Pembrokeshire, UK.
Imaging is also made more difficult by these planets also being low in the sky, and as a lot of people are saying for imaging they are  "past their best".
I was shocked afterwards to find my MK67 objective was covered in dew (forgot to put my dew shield on), however the images were still good !

Images taken using my ZWOASI178MC camera and Meade x2 APO Barlow lens.
Processed through Autostakkert and then some tweaking with a combination of Affinity Photo and Gimp ( I find GIMP noise reduction at level 4 is good ).
I must admit I am "well chuffed" on how good the above combination works with the Intes MK67, and cannot wait to get Mars, in the next few days, and follow it through to opposition.








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