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Hello all fairly new to this  astro photography malarkey and seem to of jumped in above my head. I have a eq/az Skywatcher mount..i have set the cords into the hand set and it was about 90 degrees away from target,looks like I somehow mixed the lat and long having rectified that the mount appeared to slew to the correct position but when I set it up on one of the very few favourable nights I find it still is not in the ball park . I have further noticed I had set the ground elevation to minus 25 metres when it should of been plus 8 metres so a good 33 metres  out of wack, going to try again tonight just hoping this does the trick if it don't, will be needing help. Would this error in elevation cause this sort of error.

Regards Mick 


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21 minutes ago, Mick the Lob said:

Would this error in elevation cause this sort of error.

No, but the way the time and date is entered can be confusing so more likely to be that especially when  daylight saving is involved 😆


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