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Mars Opposition 2020 by Bajastro


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Mars was taken at night between 20:57 and 22:29 UTC. Equipment used: Celestron SCT C8, Barlow 2x, GSO #29 (dark red), ASI120MM Mini, HEQ5 mount.

Animation was prepared from 20 images with drizzle 150% (the best 10% of frames from 60-second movies):


One of the best images from 21:55UT:


Edited by Bajastro
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Mars is already slowly moving away from Earth, there is still a month of good visibility allowing you to observe many surface details.
I found some time and collected the best photos from among a dozen photo sessions devoted to Mars.
The planet was closest to Earth on the 6th of October.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I choose several of the best my photos of Mars and I prepared an animation based on Łukasz Sujka's tutorial.
I struggled the most with map assembly in Gimp 2:


I'm still waiting for good weather to photograph the area from Olympus Mons near the center of the planet's disc.

Animation prepared in WinJUPOS for the date 2020-10-13:


Equipment: Celestron C8 (SCT 8" F/10), ES Barlow 2x, Gso dark red filter (#29), ASI120MM Mini, HEQ5 mount.

Edited by Bajastro
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  • 2 months later...

Yesterday I analysed a material containing almost 100 movies.
89 stacks were available for further processing. Movies were recorded on 27th of October 2020 from 20:40 to 22:27 UT.
Below are animations showing the movement of Mars' moons:


Phobos moves in an arc on the right, Deimos moves away from Mars on the left.
On the right, Mars is "approaching" the star 2MASS J01051472+0444422 (Gaia EDR3 2552047650065811968) with a magnitude of V= 13.2 mag, 
and actually Mars is moving retrograde against the background of the stars :D

Equipment: SCT C8", kamera ZWO ASI 120MM Mini, ES Barlow 2x, GSO dark red (#29), all on HEQ5 mount.

Edited by Bajastro
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