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Michael Drewett

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Not having one but some here do so hopefully will chip in...

Are you able to get good focus with the camera in your scope (which scope is it?) or is it just running out of travel before you get a sharp image?

Worth trying it on a distant land target in daytime and see if you can get any result, though the focuser would be further out given a target that is closer than anything in the sky at night. Aim would be to get familiar before trying again in darkness, though you could try for the moon in the morning as it was high in the SW around 8 this morning from here in Kent.

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9 hours ago, Michael Drewett said:

Hi I have just purchased a sv bony 105 and I am struggling to get any images of the night sky. I have a very blurry image of the moon. Any idea's please.


I used to have this camera before upgrading to a zwo asi120mc-s. I used mine on a skywatcher explorer 150p and a skymax 127 and had no issues, I used mine with sharpcap, the air quality maybe causing the blurry images, I never had pin sharp with my setup but when capturing videos in ser format and then stacking and processing in ps do you get truly sharp images. Saying that the images I had were quite sharp. Are you using a barlow lens with the camera? 

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12 hours ago, johninderby said:

Have you downloaded Sharpcap? Using proper imaging software will help a lot.



13 hours ago, DaveL59 said:

Not having one but some here do so hopefully will chip in...

Are you able to get good focus with the camera in your scope (which scope is it?) or is it just running out of travel before you get a sharp image?

Worth trying it on a distant land target in daytime and see if you can get any result, though the focuser would be further out given a target that is closer than anything in the sky at night. Aim would be to get familiar before trying again in darkness, though you could try for the moon in the morning as it was high in the SW around 8 this morning from here in Kent.

Hi thank you for your reply,my scope is a skywatcher 200p. I am also using a 2x barlow. I have not tried it during light,will try .

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5 hours ago, Michael Drewett said:

Hi thank you for your reply. Yes I am using a 2x barlow. Do I need to connect both is plugs? The scope I am using is a stretcher 200p. Just came in from trying again,but to no avail.

No just connect the thicker cabled USB plug, I trued connecting both once and made no difference, I take it you mean you have a skywatcher 200p, I'm not knowledgable on that scope, though it has a longer focal length of 1200 than my scope which is 750.  Are you running out of travel on your focuser when trying to focus one way or the other. Try it out on the daytime as well to see what results you have. 

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