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A grubby M15


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20200905: Like Mike, I thought there seemed to be a slot of clearish sky last night before the Moon got in the way, but the cloud built up so much so quickly, and by the time I was really getting going, it had closed in completely 😞

This M15 was all I got, and only 5 of the 12 frames were usable. Hoping we might get some better nights as New Moon approaches...

EDIT: sorry - equipment details. Celestron C11 on G11 mount with 0.63 FR and ASI174MM mini camera. 5 x 10s exposures.




Edited by callump
eq details added
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Here is a much better M15 from Wednesday night. 

Equipment details. Celestron C11 on G11 mount with 0.63 FR and ASI174MM mini camera.

5 x 20s exposures this time.



I've got some (a lot of) elongation of stars at the edges. I think I need to review my focal reducer working distance again (I added a manual camera rotator ring, which although low profile has pushed it out too long).



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