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Progress so Far (M31)


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It's amazing how all that information is there just by using 1 second exposures.....ok there were hundred's lol! I'm gonna try using my Omegon LX2 with my 300 f4 lens because it's only 5 oz over the 2kg limit and I'll try and go for 10 second subs and take a 100,what's the ration of darks,bias to lights? But I have to admit although I've been using adobe ps for years this is all another ball game......M31 here we come! Do you use and LP filters coz their gonna be expensive for my 300 f4 unless someone sells 39mm drop in filters that screw on the the filter mount!


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Cheers 😃

The image above is 2 seconds subs, 200 i think at iso 6400 on my 6d with samyang 135mm at f2.8.

50 darks, bias and flats whatever that ratio is.

I would normally take 300 or 400 light subs.

This is a new camera so i shot 1600 and 6400 that night and the 6400 was just an experiment, going to use pixinsight for the 1600 next amd see what i get 😃


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So being your 6d is full frame if I use my 85 f1.8 on my D300 gives me 127mm so I'll get a similar size M31 in my images.

Have you tried a longer focal length? Your 2 sec subs were they on a driven mount or stationary tripod? looked on photons to photos and at best I'll be using ISO800 but more likely ISO400

I'm gonna try my 300f4 ED (450mm FL) on my D300 on my Omegon LX2 it puts the total weight 5oz over the 4 lb limit.... and find out what I can track for before star trailing.

Cheers Ash.

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6 hours ago, MrZuiko said:

So being your 6d is full frame if I use my 85 f1.8 on my D300 gives me 127mm so I'll get a similar size M31 in my images.

Have you tried a longer focal length? Your 2 sec subs were they on a driven mount or stationary tripod? looked on photons to photos and at best I'll be using ISO800 but more likely ISO400

I'm gonna try my 300f4 ED (450mm FL) on my D300 on my Omegon LX2 it puts the total weight 5oz over the 4 lb limit.... and find out what I can track for before star trailing.

Cheers Ash.

Hi Ash

I dont really know about how the image size things work sorry.

If f1.8 is the fastest your lens will go then i would dial it back to f2 or f2.8, some folks say if you use your lens wide open then you won't get the best images.

I have tried 200mm f3.5 but that was an old lens of ebay and my old canon 400d so results were bigger but with no detail.

I don't have a tracker so everything is on a normal tripod, i take 50 subs using an intervelometer, then 50 more, then re center the object, then do the same process again and so on.

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Morning Rob,

Who needs a tracker when you can capture stunning pictures with just a simple tripod!!😉 granted we have to take a few hundred frames to store the details but the end result is the same just takes a little more work to get there!

Do you use filters for light pollution? Although I live in a town where we are it's pretty good and I have a large back garden to use with only a couple of street lights.

If I take a 15 minute drive then I'm out in the country side no street lights maybe the odd car that drives past but having said that with taking such short light frames it won't ruin the shot,just delete the frame.I too have an intervelometer just got it it's just as capable as if were to control your camera by laptop but a lot smaller!

Looking at the forecast ahead I'm looking to get out Tuesday night when I will try some short tracked shots and static frames with my 85mm and 300mm.

Looking forward to when Orion is in the sky......I have seen some amazing shots on youtube M42,Horsehead etc taken with a long lens and of course M31!

Keep safe and clear skies.


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19 minutes ago, MrZuiko said:

Morning Rob,

Who needs a tracker when you can capture stunning pictures with just a simple tripod!!😉 granted we have to take a few hundred frames to store the details but the end result is the same just takes a little more work to get there!

Do you use filters for light pollution? Although I live in a town where we are it's pretty good and I have a large back garden to use with only a couple of street lights.

If I take a 15 minute drive then I'm out in the country side no street lights maybe the odd car that drives past but having said that with taking such short light frames it won't ruin the shot,just delete the frame.I too have an intervelometer just got it it's just as capable as if were to control your camera by laptop but a lot smaller!

Looking at the forecast ahead I'm looking to get out Tuesday night when I will try some short tracked shots and static frames with my 85mm and 300mm.

Looking forward to when Orion is in the sky......I have seen some amazing shots on youtube M42,Horsehead etc taken with a long lens and of course M31!

Keep safe and clear skies.


Hey Ash

I don't use any filters, i can't wait for orion either, i have seen it about 5.30 in the morning but unfortunately on my way to work 😃 hopefully clear skys Wednesday night when i can get out.

Hopefully my tracker will come soon 😃

Cheers Rob

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Great no filters means no more expense what tracker have you ordered? I saw a great youtube video with a guy using £6000 vs £600 with goto that was really interesting to watch them slew to their target being controlled by a laptop.........end result there wasn't really that much in it to be honest....but I want to see what my modest out fit will do before buying anything else although I have seen on fleabay an astrotrack set up that can take 15kg payload.....nice!


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2 hours ago, MrZuiko said:

Great no filters means no more expense what tracker have you ordered? I saw a great youtube video with a guy using £6000 vs £600 with goto that was really interesting to watch them slew to their target being controlled by a laptop.........end result there wasn't really that much in it to be honest....but I want to see what my modest out fit will do before buying anything else although I have seen on fleabay an astrotrack set up that can take 15kg payload.....nice!


Got a star adventurer on order

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Nice one...great choice,it's funny I've seen them go on ebay second hand for more than a new unit would cost,I'm referring to the "pro" version with the counter balance etc.

Well no more hundreds of frames for you now once you've got that bad boy up and running 😄.


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  • 3 months later...

I reprocessed this image in Startools. A great bit of software. The image is low quality because I was using trial version and took a screen capture. Finished in PS. Yet to use full potential of startools still learning the trial version but will purchase as it does such a great job and relatively inexpensive. Only trial limitation is can’t save final image. Wirth trying but a steep learning curve. 


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On 03/10/2020 at 11:59, MrZuiko said:

85 f1.8 on my D300 gives me 127mm


The lens remains 85mm no matter which camera you use. If you want the same size m31 on your sensor as on the OP's 6d, you must also use a 135mm lens.


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