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Need help to identify mystery object


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Hi All, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. But I need your help.


A few days ago while photographing Andromeda galaxy, 12 of my frames caught this object passing. It can't be a low earth satellite (won't be illuminated at midnight) and also they move too fast. each shot here was 45 sec exposure, meaning in total this object took over 10 minutes to pass a very small area of the sky.


Video showing all 12 frames: https://youtu.be/qemo588FUoQ

link to still image: https://ibb.co/CW6c22D


26 august 12:17am to 12:26am IST (25 aug 6:47pm to 6:56pm utc)

observing coordinates:  78 01 18 E 27 12 8 N

equipment: Canon EOS R, 400mm lens, CEM-40 mount 


Is this some near earth Asteroid? Any clues would be appreciated,







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4 minutes ago, Tenor Viol said:

No, it's a satellite. The sun is still north of the equator for a few more weeks. and Andromeda is relatively 'north'. It's probably a wretched specimen of that which shall not be named.

But isn't it moving too slow to be a satellite? this took 10 minutes to cover roughly 500 arcmins of sky (just a tiny patch in north east) , whereas starlink and other satellites can go from horizon to horizon in 5-7 minutes

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