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New Astronomy Club.


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Tonight on my local community FB page, I've been chatting with a guy who is into astronomy and imaging. I asked him if he'd be interested in starting an astro group for the local community. He agreed. We will keep in touch, and when this Covid is gone or eased off, we will put in action to formally create an astro society here in Maynooth. 

He is a recent cancer survivor whose immune system is compromised, so he has been isolating since March.

Should be fun when we get up and running. 

Sorry for the use of the Covid  word. This post is about a new astro society in my locale, and I'm gonna be a founding member.

Edited by LukeSkywatcher
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Excellent! A very exciting idea, I’m sure you’ll get lots of support, encouragement and great suggestions from the wonderful folk on SGL. 

EDIT: I am planning to do some outreach observing sessions outside my house so my neighbours can experience Mars and Luna. We have a Facebook page for folk on our estate (around 150 houses) so should be easy to organise, COVID permitting! Good luck with your venture. 

Edited by RobertI
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