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IC 5070


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First attempt with ASI183GT MM and narrowband. This image is comprised of 30 4 minute subs and 15 darks shot through a 7nm Ha filter. Scope is a SW 80ED on a SW EQ6-R Pro mount. Not much post processing was done other that cal/int in PI with a little contrast adjustment. I was just excited to see how much detail comes out using a monochrome camera. At first I was having buyers remorse with this new camera and was almost set to sell it and go back to using my D750 but this changed my mind. I am sure if I go through my whole workflow it will look even better. This was taken unguided (I will be going with an OAG soon enough).


Edited by Jpr78
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Haven't images this myself - nut sure why, probably just because I don't do much DSO during the summer months. But that looks like a great result. The detail in Ha is stunning and sometimes seems better just left as it is rather than adding OII and SII. 

I made the jump form DSLR to mono a while back and initially felt similar to you - wondered if I did the right thing. But if you can keep your workflow and processing simple ie avoid over complicating things I think it's well worth the effort. Whilst going through my bloated hard drive to clear out some space recently I went through a load of my DSLR subs which I thought were pretty good at the time - but no comparison to cooled mono!

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Great picture!
Just a word of caution with OAG and refractor. I used (with some success) an OAG with a 72mm refractor. I say some succes as guiding was lost from time to time through loss of clarity in the star. My guiding graph was "OK" but was a bit saw-tooth like.
I then moved to a 32mm mini-guider and my guiding is now near perfect everytime - guide graph is almost level with minimal nudges.
This was the only change and my images are much sharper as a result.

The final image is of course the real test!

Best regards

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