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DIY Pier Questions


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The hole at the bottom of the pier shown in Kev's drawing is another good idea worth considering - it can be useful for running cables inside the pier keeping them hidden.

Sorry Kev I didn't see your post before uploading my last;  our piers are very similar in construction but you were better at haggling than me, that is really good price you got it for :)  


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11 hours ago, saac said:

Michael as you are having it made for you why not dispense with the separate top plate and bolt arrangement  altogether and ask the blacksmith if he can cut a circular access hole at the top.  So called "rats nest" v "owl hole" arrangement .  Most blacksmiths will be equipped with a plasma torch so it's a straightforward operation for them. 



This is certainly better than a tottering column of threaded bars and there is no need to level precisely the base of a GEM, especially N-S where you are going to tilt the mount to the equatorial angle anyway. 

More and more manufacturers are cottoning on to how annoying they are in requiring access from beneath!


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I bought a (Giant? lol!) "Owl Box" for that purpose. It turned out to be VERY heavy too.
Reckon I lost a few tooth fillings "hammer" drilling mounting holes through 1/2" steel! 🙀
But bought a rather nice blue-anodised "CNC" (HEQ5) adapter ring from Altair Astro.

Aside: I use paired, standard 4"(?) telescope rings "in reverse" to attach electronics stuff to
my Skywatcher Pillar. Larger ones could be used for larger (cylindrical!) pillars, no doubt...
There is usually an off-the-peg thing that provides a "good start", if not the solution?! 🤔

Having retained ALL my digits (except for a "bifurcated" fingernail!)
I am vowed not to meddle in "heavy engineering" from now on. 🤣

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