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Hi, i recently bought a skywatcher 200p dob which came with a 25mm and a 10mm ep. I have since bought bst starguider 2x barlow, bst 18mm and 8mm ep. Will these keep me going until i can afford  more. What other ep's would you guys recommend. Thanks in advance. 

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Hi. I have the same telescope, and have the the 12mm and 8mm bst, along with a vixen npl 30mm and a barlow. Personally, I would say that's more than enough to keep you going for a while. What I've noticed in my limited experience is that it's best to use what you have, and see if any other eyepieces are needed as you go along! For example, while I'm observing some objects, I find that I could do with something in the 15-18mm range, so this will be my next purchase when funds allow.

With regards to recommended eyepieces, apart from bst's, I really like the vixen npl. But I'm sure others with more experience can help you more.


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19 hours ago, Daf1983 said:

Hi. I have the same telescope, and have the the 12mm and 8mm bst, along with a vixen npl 30mm and a barlow. Personally, I would say that's more than enough to keep you going for a while. What I've noticed in my limited experience is that it's best to use what you have, and see if any other eyepieces are needed as you go along! For example, while I'm observing some objects, I find that I could do with something in the 15-18mm range, so this will be my next purchase when funds allow.

With regards to recommended eyepieces, apart from bst's, I really like the vixen npl. But I'm sure others with more experience can help you more.


Thank you Daf

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