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Accessories for 6 inch dob

Nair al Saif

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So thanks to John and Stu I have decided that a Skywatcher 6inch dobsonian is the best way to go.  However should I spend a little more for the 8 inch version.

The 6inch dob costs: 219 

The 8 inch dob costs: 289

What accessories/eyepieces are good. I’m thinking to get a Celestron Omni 6mm ep for 200x power and a polarizing filter. 

The 6 inch plus accessories: 255 pounds

The 8inch plus accessories: 325 pounds in total.

Im open to any suggestions on accessories/advice!

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If you can manage it, personally I'd suggest going for the 8".

In terms of accessories, #1 I'd say a Telrad.

I'd suggest planning for 2-3 EPs, plus a Barlow, and then getting one now (the rest can be gotten over time).

What targets are you interested in?

I had a 10" f4.7 scope as my first scope, and a wide afov 13mm giving 92x got a lot of use, as did a 24mm giving 50x.  In time I also picked up a 2.5x PowerMate, and also a 7mm.  Personally, I wouldn't have the filter high on the initial list - maybe further down the line (eg I observe the moon un-filtered in a 15").

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As already said, good if you can stretch to getting the 8”.   Visually the jump from 6” to 8” is worthwhile, 8” to 10” less so.

If it were me I’d sooner have the 8” and then accessories can come later.

Also agree that filters can come later.  Eyepieces first because they’re used every time, filters for specific targets.

3 well chosen eyepieces are adequate.  Suggestion ( not cast in concrete ) Low power 35x - 55x, medium power 90x - 125x, high power  180x - 225x.

Telrad or Rigel finder always great.  Basic star chart - if you don’t have one try borrowing from your local library if it’s open of course.

Enjoy the journey 👍 Ed.




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3 months ago, I was in exactly the same position as you, trying to decide between the 150p and 200p skyliner. I eventually ordered the 150p....then cancelled the order and ordered the 200p instead. I'm so glad I did, as I'm very happy with the 200p, and if I had gone with the 150p, there would always be nagging feeling I should have stretched my budget that little further.( The jump in price from 6 to 8 inch is not that big). However, I'm sure you'll be more than happy if you decide to go with 150p.

As for accessories, as merlin says above, the bst starguiders ar very good, I have bought the 8mm and 12mm. I also have the vixen npl 30mm which is also very nice, and not too expensive. 

I found the scope quite hard to use with only the original 8x50 finder, so I would highly recommend getting the telrad to complement it. It's made observing so much easier and pleasurable in my (limited) experience. This would probably be the first thing I would buy if I had my time again.


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56 minutes ago, Daf1983 said:

3 months ago, I was in exactly the same position as you, trying to decide between the 150p and 200p skyliner. I eventually ordered the 150p....then cancelled the order and ordered the 200p instead. I'm so glad I did, as I'm very happy with the 200p, and if I had gone with the 150p, there would always be nagging feeling I should have stretched my budget that little further.( The jump in price from 6 to 8 inch is not that big). However, I'm sure you'll be more than happy if you decide to go with 150p.

As for accessories, as merlin says above, the bst starguiders ar very good, I have bought the 8mm and 12mm. I also have the vixen npl 30mm which is also very nice, and not too expensive. 

I found the scope quite hard to use with only the original 8x50 finder, so I would highly recommend getting the telrad to complement it. It's made observing so much easier and pleasurable in my (limited) experience. This would probably be the first thing I would buy if I had my time again.


Nair al Saif, you can't beat first-hand experience, go for the 200P Dobsonian, highly recommended.  BTW, welcome to the forum!

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I think it's a good idea to get going with the scope and then see what you want. Otherwise you'll end up with a lot of stuff you never needed.

Also, if you take your time, you can keep an eye on the secondhand market. Here and Astro Buy&Sell, ebay, etc. I have bought very little new since I got the Bresser Messier 8" in April. What I have bought secondhand though, is:

  • Telrad
  • 10x60 RACI finder
  • 2 Ortho EPS
  • 2 BST Starguiders
  • 1 Aero ED SWA 2" EP
  • Baader Neodymium filter
  • Baader Hyperion zoom and matching barlow
  • Flight Case
  • Long and short Cheshire collimator
  • Lots of books

I reckon I've saved over £200 - well, that's what I tell the missus. 

What I've bought new:

  • Collimation cap
  • Turn Left at Orion book
  • Headtorch


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