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I have been considering doing some astro-related painting once work dries up at the end of next month (assuming it does, of course).  I took Art as one of my A Levels thirty-five years ago or thereabouts and haven't really had the time to draw or paint since.


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12 hours ago, Stu said:

Astropaining! 🤣🤣

Oh RIP!  Sorry about that and thanks for the correction!

And here's a few pictures of my work so far!
Now, I'm far from a skilled painter, these were actually my first three ever.




Edit: Had to resize images a bit

Edited by Pryce
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1 minute ago, maw lod qan said:

Very nice! SWMBO is the artist in our house!

I cant draw a straight line or circle, though I have wanted to try some Astropainting.

I'm horrible at lines and circles!  🤣  From what I've gathered, learning and using different tools and techniques is the most important part. It's not about how "skilled" you are as an artist, just how many "tools you have in your toolbox".
When we're only talking about my level of course

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah great thread. Ive been doing some sketching ( of various things) recently and been trying artistically enhancing some of my rather crummy images too using paintshop and others. So they have probably ended up being mostly digital art. Painting with a mouse is not the same feel as brush and pen though.


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